
Daycare Selection Tips


The daycare selection process can be pretty challenging for many parents. First, they can get overwhelmed as they evaluate the many types of daycare centres. They also do not know how to compare the different facilities since they have varying offerings. Below is an extract with a few tips for parents looking for daycare centres.  Consider Convenience  Convenience is an essential concern for any parent enrolling their child in a daycare centre.

14 July 2023

4 Tips For Helping Your Child Settle Into Preschool


Starting preschool is a significant milestone in your child's life, but it can also feel intimidating. As a parent, you will want to ensure your child has the best possible transition into preschool. Below are some tips to help your child settle in and make the most of their new classroom experience. 1. Attend Orientation Most schools provide an orientation period before the school year begins. This is the perfect time for you and your child to meet the teacher and become familiar with the classroom setting.

28 December 2022

Lifelong Benefits of Enrolling Your Toddler in an Early Learning Program


Every parent wants to provide their child with the best opportunities in life. And once your kid becomes a toddler, you could be wondering how best you can make the most of their energy. While your child could be too young for traditional school, you may want to consider enrolling them in an early learning program. Unlike conventional daycare that simply provides you with childminders who will watch your toddler all day, an early learning program is designed to teach your child.

9 June 2022

Three Ways To Feel Better About Sending Your Child To Day Care


Being protective about your children is a fantastic trait to have and one that comes naturally to many parents. However, there is a difference between protectiveness and over-protectiveness, and that can be hard to distinguish as someone who is so emotionally involved in keeping their kid safe, particularly if it is your first or only one. It is important to let them grow and make friends, and that starts with day care.

14 December 2021

3 Types of Child care Centre Options Available for Working Parents


If you plan to get back to work after a long break, you ought to think about your child's care early enough. Finding a suitable child care facility will make the transition seamless for you and the little one.  Child care options are numerous, which means you can select a suitable one that matches your needs. Generally, you will need to consider your financial situation, job flexibility and facility location when deciding.

17 August 2021

Know the Different Skills a Child Care Facility Will Help Your Child Get


Pre-school is the foundation of your child's academic journey. It also falls in the formative stages of psychological development, which makes it fundamental for their growth. That's why you should be careful about getting the preschool with the right curriculum. Before enrolling a child into any educational institution, you need to go through their mission and vision. You should also look at the preschool's curriculum to determine if it is a good fit.

16 February 2021

Why You Should Prioritise Family Day Care Over Other Options


Everyone wants to give their child the best sort of upbringing they possibly can, and choosing the right type of childcare is an important part of this process. There are many different types of childcare that range from nannies that live in your home to large daycare centres where dozens of children are kept in the care of a few trained professionals. Perhaps the best option that is accessible to most people is a family daycare, but what exactly is it, and how does it differ from traditional daycare centres?

13 August 2020

Four Ways You Can Help Your Child Avoid Social Withdrawal At Kindergarten


Kindergarten is such a fun time, and for your child to enjoy time with the other kids in their class makes it all the more fun. Unfortunately, a few things here and there can lead to your child becoming withdrawn and missing out on what this journey has to offer. As a parent to a kindergartener, here are a few things to keep in mind that will help to avoid the unfortunate scenario where your child finds themselves withdrawing from the rest.

19 September 2019

How to Make Pre-School Lunchtimes Go More Smoothly


There is no doubt that a preschool program has many benefits for children. As a caregiver, you will see how regular social interactions, physical activities, and creative projects help your students to learn, grow, and prepare them for the world of school ahead. One time of the day that you might not look forward quite as much is lunchtime, which can sometimes get a little chaotic. Meal times, however, can provide positive experiences for learning and growth too—they just need to be handled in the right way.

15 May 2019

Important Decisions in Choosing A Day Care Centre


As parents, there is nothing more important than the care and safety of your children. You do everything you can to keep them safe and teach them right at home. While ideally, parents would stay home with their children, this is not always possible. This is when it is time to look for a day care centre. With this comes many things you must think about. Here are some important decisions in choosing a day care centre.

13 November 2018